Our users create and use custom lottery generators for all the lotteries of the world. They fine tune these lottery generators with lucky numbers, zodiac, and lucky charms. They also set the odd and even numbers in a selection. Please feel free to use these custom generators and try your luck. You can even create your own custom generator and share it with the world.
united states Lucky Lottery Numbers by Users
Create New Lottery +-
5 numbers from 5 to 69. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Lottery millions by Trustpilot
1000 numbers from 1000 to 5000. Always includes lucky numbers 93273. Avoids the numbers 63265. Uses lucky charm Blue . Generate
5 77 by KaTessa
8 numbers from 8 to 6. Generate
5 77 by KaTessa
9 numbers from 9 to 6. Generate
Middle by ELi
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Uses lucky charm purple. Generate
jacon Lottery by Jacob
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 5 7 2 6 9 . Avoids the numbers 1 13 . Uses lucky charm Pizza. Generate
Butterflies for aries by Genesis
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
Test 1 by Lady Luck
3 numbers from 3 to 9. Generate
The Leprecon by Shawn Vereen
6 numbers from 6 to 70. Generate
The Leprecon by Shawn Vereen
70 numbers from 70 to 70. Generate
The Leprecon by Shawn Vereen
6 numbers from 6 to 70. Generate
The Leprecon by Shawn Vereen
7 numbers from 7 to 70. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
Vanylen only get sleep by Vanylen only get sleep
3 numbers from 3 to 87327980. Generate
Vanylen was eat the pizza by Vanylen was eat the pizza
1400 numbers from 1400 to 190400. Generate
Mortimer E francis by Mortimer E francis
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Generate
Theresa for leo by Teron McPherson
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Fine tuned for leo. Generate
Texas Lottery 12/11/24 for scorpio by Chingon
6 numbers from 6 to 54. Avoids the numbers 12,15,17,18,20,23,44,47,53. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Powerball for scorpio by Vanessa Lee Espinoza
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Uses lucky charm Maroon. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Fantastic 5 for scorpio by Morreco R Tharpe
5 numbers from 5 to 42. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Lionel C Robinson Sr by Lionel C Robinson Sr
5 numbers from 5 to 39. Generate
NJ Pick 4 by Earl k Hamilton
4 numbers from 4 to 9. Uses lucky charm Red. Generate
NJ Pick 4 by Earl Hamilton
10 numbers from 10 to 9. Uses lucky charm blue. Generate
the ale lottry by ALEJANDRO SERRANO
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Quick win lottery numbers by michael j washington
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 7,41,83,92,07,. Uses lucky charm Yellow.red. Generate
Love for aquarius by Shannin Janina Lucas
7 numbers from 7 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 123456789. Uses lucky charm White. Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
Failproof Numbers by Juancho Macaraeg
6 numbers from 6 to 59. Avoids the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25. Uses lucky charm This Is My Time. Generate
child of the light for libra by Kelli
6 numbers from 6 to 69. Always includes lucky numbers 1, 12, 42. Fine tuned for libra. Generate
joe flander for gemini by joe flander
5 numbers from 5 to 36. Uses lucky charm black. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
joe flander by joe flander
5 numbers from 5 to 36. Uses lucky charm black. Generate
PlayOtter by Juancho Macaraeg
6 numbers from 6 to 54. Uses lucky charm 1987. Generate
Britney Spears by Britney Spears
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 9. Avoids the numbers 9. Uses lucky charm Britney Spears. Generate
Britney Spears by Britney Spears
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 9. Avoids the numbers 9. Uses lucky charm Britney Spears. Generate
Stake Keno by Samantha
10 numbers from 10 to 40. Uses lucky charm Purple. Generate
Lucky For Life by Mike Rudman
48 numbers from 48 to 48. Always includes lucky numbers n/a. Avoids the numbers n/a. Uses lucky charm green. Generate
Harmony HealthPower Play by HARMONY HEALTH
5 numbers from 5 to 100. Generate
Cindy B Neilson by Cindy B Neilson
7 numbers from 7 to 80. Generate
Hotspot for leo by Shailesh
5 numbers from 5 to 80. Uses lucky charm Red. Fine tuned for leo. Generate
Hotspot for leo by Shailesh
5 numbers from 5 to 80. Uses lucky charm Red. Fine tuned for leo. Generate
5 numbers from 5 to 69. Always includes lucky numbers 9,13,22,23,29,31,33,57,44,69,36,27,7. Avoids the numbers 70. Uses lucky charm ME. Generate
Daily Tennessee Jackpot by Joseph
5 numbers from 5 to 38. Generate
Johnson by Rachel Johnson
1 numbers from 1 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 1. Avoids the numbers 1. Uses lucky charm ر. Generate